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Sega scores Sports Interactive

UK-based Football Manager developer acquired by Sega Europe; SI working on new Out of the Park Baseball, NHL: Eastside Hockey Manager.


Sega Europe has today announced its acquisition of developer Sports Interactive. Best known for its Football Manager (Worldwide Soccer Manager in North America) series, the London-based software house--which previously worked on the Championship Manager games published by Eidos--will now develop exclusively for Sega, with upcoming games including Football Manager 2006 for the Xbox 360 and Football Manager Handheld for the PlayStation Portable.

"[Sega Europe] was right for the next chapter in Sports Interactive's history, with more releases from the studio this year than ever before," commented Miles Jacobson, managing director of Sports Interactive.

In addition to the aforementioned football management games, upcoming games from Sports Interactive include Out of the Park Baseball and the next installment of the NHL: Eastside Hockey Manager series.

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