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Sega Tops Metacritic's 11th Annual Game Publisher Rankings

Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo both had years to forget.


Metacritic, a sister-site of GameSpot, recently released its annual rankings of game publishers. These rankings apply to games released in 2020, and the top publisher may come as a surprise for those who haven't been paying attention to the excellent games it released.

48 publishers' games were compiled for the ranking, which used several factors such as average game Metascore, percentage of products with "good" reviews, and percentage of products with "bad" reviews to determine the final total. This way of factoring in both the stinkers and the hits meant that even the smallest publishers had a shot of reaching the top spots. Several did, in fact, including Annapurna Interactive, Aksys Games, and No More Robots.

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Sega took the top spot this year, averaging an 81.6 average review score and narrowly beating out Annapurna in terms of total points factoring into the ranking. It benefited from the continued success of the Yakuza series as well as Persona 4 Golden hitting PC. Capcom, Sony, and Activision Blizzard rounded out the top five.

Big names near the bottom include Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo. The former had a few big misses like Fast & Furious Crossroads and several underwhelming anime games. Koei Tecmo didn't publish too many games in 2020 at all, but its only major critical hit was Nioh 2.

  1. Sega
  2. Annapurna Interactive
  3. Capcom
  4. Sony
  5. Activision Blizzard
  6. Microsoft
  7. Aksys Games
  8. No More Robots
  9. Nintendo
  10. Devolver Digital
  11. Square Enix
  12. Xseed
  13. 505 Games
  14. Ubisoft
  15. Focus Home Interactive
  16. Bethesda
  17. Team17
  18. Humble
  19. Sold Out
  20. Raw Fury
  21. Electronic Arts
  22. Take-Two
  23. Koch Media
  24. NIS America
  25. SNK
  26. Playism
  27. THQ Nordic
  28. Digerati
  29. Kalypso
  30. Daedalic Entertainment
  31. Headup Games
  32. Koei Tecmo
  33. PQube
  34. Curve Digital
  35. QubicGames
  36. ININ Games
  37. Nacon
  38. Bandai Namco
  39. All in! Games
  40. Wired Productions
  41. Ratalaika Games
  42. Merge Games
  43. Modus Games
  44. Blowfish Studios
  45. tinyBuild
  46. Silesia Games
  47. No Gravity Games
  48. Ultimate Games

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