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Shadow of Mordor Infographic Highlights 5+ Billion Uruk Kills and More

Mordor, as it turns out, is home to a lot of death.

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Billions of virtual Uruks have been slaughtered by Shadow of Mordor players--5.65 billion, to be precise.

Warner Bros. Interactive has released an infographic highlighting the actions of all players across PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 (the inferior PS3 and Xbox 360 versions weren't tracked for this). The 5.65 billion Uruk kills include only those by players; fellow Uruks are responsible for another 1.3 billion kills, 2.8 million of which were bodyguards betraying their Warchief.

More than 72 million players were killed by Uruks. Player death in the game doesn't come with much of a penalty, and in fact spurs on the game's Nemesis system, causing Uruks to be promoted and become more powerful. This, in turn, allows for the game's memorable encounters to take place.

Other interesting tidbits include the 9.2 million beast hunts that were stopped, and the 2.8 million feasts halted. There's no word on how much food was wasted as a result of the latter.

You can check out the full infographic below. Should it get you in the mood for some more Shadow of Mordor action, the game's final DLC pack, The Bright Lord, was released today and offers players the chance to play as Celebrimbor.

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