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Shattered Galaxy launches in North America

Nexon announces the release of its massively multiplayer real-time strategy game.


Nexon USA has announced the release of its massively multiplayer real-time strategy game, Shattered Galaxy. The game supports more than 100,000 players, and up to 30 players can compete simultaneously in a single battle. It has won a number of awards, including the audience choice, technical excellence, and best game design awards at the 2001 Independent Games Festival. The game combines elements of real-time strategy, role-playing, turn-based strategy, and squad-based combat games.

Shattered Galaxy is set in a remote solar system in the distant future. Human colonists must battle both aliens and fellow humans in their struggle for survival. Players build and manage a group of up to 50 combat units that can be customized with more than 1,000 components, and they can earn wealth, prestige, and power through conquest.

Shattered Galaxy was developed by Nexon, and it is now available in stores for an approximate retail price of $29.95. Nexon is currently offering a $9.95 monthly subscription or a year-long subscription for $60. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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