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Sicario 2's First Trailer Is Ultra-Violent Reunion Between Josh Brolin And Benicio Del Toro

"No rules this time."


When Sicario first hit theaters in 2015, it not only became a box office success, but it put director Denis Villeneuve's name on the map. Since that film, he's gone on to make both Arrival and Blade Runner 2049. Now, three years later, another director will have the opportunity to continue the story.

The first trailer for Sicario 2: Soldado has arrived and it's turning up the volume on the action, violence, and stakes from the first movie. Both Josh Brolin and Benicio del Toro return to their roles for the next chapter in the Sicario saga.

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Now Playing: Sicario 2: Soldado - Official Teaser Trailer

In the new film, the war on drugs has escalated to the point that cartels are trafficking terrorists over the border between Mexico and the United States. This development leads CIA agent Matt Graver (Brolin) to work once again with with mysterious Alejandro Gillick (del Toro) to end the threat. "No rules this time," Graver tells Gillick as they prepare to take the war straight to the cartels.

Stepping in for Villeneuve to direct the sequel is Stefano Sollima, who's best known for his work in Italian TV and film. Joining the movie's cast are Catherine Keener, Matthew Modine, and Manuel Garcia-Rulfo. Jeffrey Donovan, who appeared in the first Sicario, will reprise his role.

Soldado makes for an even busier year for Brolin. In addition to this movie, he's also starring in Avenger: Infinity War and Deadpool 2. Sicario 2 is in theaters on June 29.

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