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Singles announced for PC

Koch Media announces that it will release Rotobee's matchmaking life simulation game in Europe early next year.


Koch Media has today announced that it will release Singles in Europe early next year. The life simulation game, which is currently in development at Germany-based Rotobee, will challenge players to develop a relationship between two very different people sharing an apartment in a busy European city.

The game will feature 16 different characters for players to choose from, and once a pair has moved into the apartment it'll be up to players to keep them both happy so that a positive relationship can develop. Relationships between characters will be measured in five ways, with scores for romance, friendship, fun, sex, and trouble used to determine how well they get on.

Players will start the game with only a small amount of money that can be used to furnish the apartment, and will have to satisfy both the personal physical needs of their characters whilst trying to improve their way of life. We'll bring you more information on Singles as soon as it becomes available.

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