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Sonic rushing back to DS

Sega readies Sonic Rush Adventure for a fall release on Nintendo's dual-screened handheld.


There's been no shortage of Sonic the Hedgehog games in the past decade, but few have fared as well critically as Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS. Today Sega announced an encore to the fleet-footed blue fuzzball's portable escapades in the form of Sonic Rush Adventure for the DS.

The game's seven levels will pit players against a band of pirates, with Sonic nemesis Dr. Robotnik taking an adversarial back seat to Captain Whisker. As Sonic pursues Whisker, he'll need to retrieve components in each stage that will help him build new ships. Players will be able to assemble a fleet of up to five ships--including submarines, water bikes, and hovercraft--and engage in ship-to-ship warfare. The game will also feature Wi-Fi and single-cartridge multiplayer modes.

Sega Studios is developing the game, which should arrive in stores this fall.

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