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Sony confirms God of War sequel

Kratos returns to the PlayStation 2 for more bloodletting in early 2007; story sees Spartan-turned-god on quest to alter his destiny.


The saying "violence begets more violence" rang true today, as Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that God of War II is coming to the PlayStation 2. The news confirmed widespread speculation that a sequel to David Jaffe's award-winning violent game is in the works, and was timed to coincide with Phil Harrison's keynote speech at the 2006 Game Developers Conference, where a trailer was shown to the public for the first time.

In the game, grumpy antihero Kratos takes his seat on Olympus as the new god of war. Not content to sip on the nectar of the gods, he embarks on a journey across Earth to "end his continued torment" by attempting the seemingly impossible task of changing his destiny. Along the way, he'll skewer new mythical beasts such as the Cyclops and the Flying Gryphon with his trusty blades.

God of War II is currently scheduled for release in Q1 2007.

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