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Sony was “proactive” in getting one of Ouya's best games on PS4

TowerFall creator compliments PlayStation for helping him bring the game to PS4.

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TowerFall creator Matt Thorson said that TowerFall Ascension launched on the PlayStation 4 because PlayStation was very helpful in making it happen.

In an interview posted to the PlayStation Blog, Thorson was asked how he came to the decision to launch TowerFall Ascension on PS4. “The game did really well on Ouya and it felt like it was time to expand to a larger audience,” he said. “We continued working on it because there was a lot of stuff we still wanted to add, and PlayStation was super proactive in helping me figure out how to bring the game to PS4.”

TowerFall, a local multiplayer game which was one of the few critically acclaimed games on Ouya, came out on PS4 last week as TowerFall Ascension. Our review found that it was a blast to play with friends, but that without friends its appeal drops significantly.

Last week, Adam Boyes of the PlayStation developer relations team fired off a shot at Microsoft's contentious "launch parity" policy for games released through the company's independent publishing program ID@Xbox, which prevents an indie developer from releasing their game as a timed-exclusive on another platform.

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