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Space World 2001: Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble 2 announced

Miyamoto discusses a new Kirby game for the GameCube.


As part of his presentation at Space World 2001, legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto revealed the GameCube sequel to Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble for the Game Boy Color. Miyamoto used Tilt 'n' Tumble 2 to demonstrate the interconnectivity features of the Game Boy Advance and the GameCube. The game plays similarly to the original game, but with several new gameplay elements that focus on the interaction between the GameCube and the GBA.

Miyamoto demonstrated this by plugging a Game Boy Advance into a GameCube and using the handheld with a special tilt sensor game pack as the console's controller. The game, that is, Kirby specifically, moves back and forth from the screen of the GameCube to that of the Game Boy Advance. So depending on what area of any given level you're in, you'll need to look at either your TV's screen or your handheld's screen. During his demonstration, Miyamoto caused Kirby to fall off a ledge from the large TV screen onto his Game Boy Advance, and then he promptly jumped him back up onto the TV. Miyamoto also stated that you'll be able to write "programs" onto the game cartridge itself, such as minigames and the like, but he didn't elaborate.

Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble 2 will be available for the GameCube in Japan sometime in May 2002 under the name Koro Koro Kirby 2.

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