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Space World Day One

TOKYO - Nintendo's Space World show opens its doors to the public, and we were there to catch every moment.


When you have Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver, the 64DD, Zelda Gaiden, and a (royal) host of new N64 and Game Boy titles together in the same room, and you open the doors to that room to the general public, mass hysteria ensues. That's just what happened today when the doors to Nintendo Space World '99 were flung open to reveal the gaming goodness inside.

Lines quickly formed, and you had to wait in line for up to an hour to play some of the games - such as the Pokemon Gold and Silver games, which had more than 200 stations running. No one seemed to mind the wait that much.

The 64DD, which will be released around December 1 (there's still no concrete date for the arrival of the system), made an impressive yet subdued showing. Although the F-Zero Expansion Kit, SimCity 64, and Paint/Talent Studio games look good, are they really going to make the expense of the DD worth it? Speaking of expense, Nintendo still has not announced a price for the device, whether it will be available at retail outlets or whether you will have to order it direct From the manufacturer.

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