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Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild E3 2003 Preshow Report

THQ's PlayStation 2 sequel to Rainbow Studios' 2001 water-racing game will be on hand at this year's E3.


THQ will have Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild for the PlayStation 2 at this year's E3. The game will be the sequel to Rainbow Studios' jet-ski racing game from 2001.

Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild will attempt to improve on nearly all aspects of the original game. The new game will feature all the original riders from the first Splashdown, plus several new characters who will have different skills and specialties. The sequel will also feature eight large outdoor tracks, plus a dozen indoor tracks, as well as a dozen time-trial races. All of the sequel's courses will feature improved graphics and an even faster pace than in the original game, since the sequel will feature faster currents and larger waves. In addition, the sequel will let you pull off more than 75 stunts in combinations to score lots of bonus points. You'll be able to use these points, and points you earn by completing various goals on the game's courses, at the in-game warehouse to unlock new extras and secrets. The game will also feature a countdown mode, a comprehensive training mode, and a freestyle mode that won't restrict you to a specific time limit. Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild is scheduled for release later this year.

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