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Splinter Cell: Blacklist director leaves Ubisoft for Arkham Origins developer

Patrick Redding now a creative director at Warner Bros. Games Montreal, according to his LinkedIn profile.

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Splinter Cell: Blacklist director Patrick Redding has left Ubisoft to join Warner Bros. Games Montreal.

Superannuation noticed that the developer says he's joined the Batman: Arkham Origins studio as a creative director, his LinkedIn profile states.

GamesIndustry notes that Redding joined Ubisoft Montreal in 2004 to work on Far Cry: Instincts, and was the narrative designer for Far Cry 2. He joined the Splinter Cell team in 2009.

Warner Bros. Games Montreal has also worked on the Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition for Wii U and Lego: Legends of Chima Online.

It is unknown what project Redding is working on, but the move suggests the studio could be gearing up for a major new title.

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