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Square Enix Working on "Experimental" New IP

Company says it plans to show new games at "private conference" at E3.


Square Enix has provided an overview of its ongoing strategies for improving its business, which include the creation of new "experimental" games.

Speaking as part of a financial results briefing for the fiscal year ended March 31, company president Yosuke Matsuda highlighted key IP policies Square Enix will adhere to going forward.

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In addition to "strengthening and rebooting" existing IPs on video game consoles and smart devices in parallel, Matsuda said Square Enix will create new IPs, but didn't provide further details.

"I cannot disclose much at this moment," he said, "but we are working on various initiatives, including some experimental projects."

Later in the briefing, Matsuda discussed Square Enix's upcoming slate of titles, which includes Rise of Tomb Raider and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

He also said that the company is "planning to announce several titles" at its "private conference at the next E3." Since the report is translated from Japanese to English, the wording creates opportunity for misinterpretation, but Matsuda suggests new games will be shown behind-closed-doors at E3 2015.

Alternatively, it may instead be that he is referring to the dedicated Square Enix E3 2015 press conference confirmed for June 16 at 10 AM PDT.

Square Enix has not hosted a media briefing at E3 since 2012, where it showcased its next-gen Luminous Engine for the first time, leading many to speculate that it must have good cause to do so this year.

Along with the aforementioned games, Square Enix's other in-development AAA projects include Final Fantasy XV and a new Hitman project.

Elsewhere in the briefing, Matsuda reflected on the performance of the new consoles, saying the "PS4 seems to be doing especially well, mainly in the West," but adding that he believes "both PS4 and Xbox One are continuing to grow."

On the subject of augmented and virtual reality, Matsuda said Square Enix is "monitoring [these trends] with great interest, and considering various initiatives."

Oculus VR has confirmed it will be revealing more about its Oculus Rift during a special event that will take place on June 11, just before E3.

It is expected Sony will announce pricing and release dates for its Morpheus VR headset at E3 2015. With Valve and HTC's Vive scheduled for a launch later this year, it is like the headset will also have a presence at E3 this year.

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