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SSX getting Blurred

Electronic Arts' Montreal studio working to have next edition of EA Big's freestyle-snowboarding series in stores next March.


Back in July, Electronic Arts committed to creating a slate of six games for Nintendo's Wii, one of which included a new installment in the SSX snowboarding franchise. In September, Nintendo itself announced a release window for the game by including it on a list of Wii games to launch by March 2007.

Today EA finally spilled a few details about the game, now known as SSX Blur. The publisher confirmed that the game will arrive in North American and European stores in March of next year and promised that the game would take full advantage of the Wii's controller.

Hey, aren't most ski trips a blur anyway?
Hey, aren't most ski trips a blur anyway?

"We wanted to take the soul of the franchise--the air, the speed, the tricks, the fun--and Wii-ify it," EA producer Alex Hyder said in a statement. "You're going to see that reflected in the On-the-Ground and In-the-Air controls, the characters, the user interface, and every other aspect of this game."

SSX Blur is being developed at EA Montreal, adding a third studio to the publisher's Wii efforts. Madden NFL for the Wii was created by a division of the company's British Columbia studio entirely dedicated to developing games for the new console. Last week, the publisher announced a new studio, EA Salt Lake, that would be dedicated to making Wii games. The shop was previously known as independent developer Headgate Studios (PC editions of Tiger Woods PGA Tour and Madden NFL 07), which EA acquired.

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