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Star Wars: Battlefront details emerge

LucasArts releases new details regarding its upcoming Star Wars action game. New screens inside.


LucasArts has today released new information on Star Wars: Battlefront, which was first announced last month. The multiplayer action game, which is currently in development at Pandemic Studios, has been confirmed for the PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox.

Star Wars: Battlefront will feature single-player modes but has primarily been designed with epic multiplayer battles in mind. The PC version of Battlefront will support 32 players over the Internet or 64 connected via a LAN, while the console games will each support 16 players over the Internet or 32 on a LAN. All three versions of the game will support voice chat through compatible headsets.

The battles themselves will be set in more than 15 different environments on 10 different planets, including Hoth, Geonosis, Yavin, Tatooine, and Naboo. Players will be able to fight on behalf of the Rebel Alliance, the Imperial Army, the Clone Army, or the Droid Army, and they will be able to choose one from more than 20 different soldier types, each with different abilities. Ground-based turrets will be available for players to use, as well as a number of vehicles, including AT-ST walkers, X-Wing fighters, and speeder bikes. The game's "conquest" mode will also award bonus abilities--for use in future battles--to the winning team at the end of each conflict.

Star Wars Battlefront is currently scheduled for release this fall. We'll bring you more information on the game as soon as it becomes available.

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