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Star Wars Giga Pets

Tiger Electronics sends Giga Pets into orbit.


As the craze for virtual pets continues, Tiger continues to develop new and different Giga Pets to add to its lineup.

This holiday season, Star Wars Giga Pets will be landing at toy stores across the nation. Players can choose from three different models of the Star Wars licensed pets - Yoda, R2-D2, or a Rancor (sorry, folks, no Ewok).

The Giga Pets will retail between US$9.99-$12.99 and be released in October or November.

Since these Star Wars versions of the Giga Pets are less like pets, Tiger has modified a few of the features accordingly to each character. For instance, Yoda is less of a pet than a trainer - while he is with you he will teach you in the ways of The Force. The games he plays will teach self-control, restraint, and the ability to guess correctly. He will periodically pass on bits of Jedi wisdom, and there's even a feature where gamers can ask him questions in the style of a Magic 8-ball.

The Rancor is the fiercest of the Giga Pets yet. His food consists of people who are thrown into the pit. Also, if he's sent a doctor when he isn't sick, instead of just shaking his head, he'll devour the doctor.

R2-D2 can be programmed to do different things onscreen or avoid obstacles. Instead of sleeping and eating, he powers down at night and recharges. Give him an oil bath to make him feel clean again.

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