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Star Wars: Han Solo's Jacket Expected To Sell For Over $1 Million

I've never paid more than $50 for a jacket.


According to Bloomberg, the jacket that Harrison Ford wore in Empire Strikes Back is being auctioned off and is expected to go for up to $1.3 million.

The Empire Strikes Back is considered by many to be the best of all eight Star Wars Episodes out so far (don't quote me on that), and the Han Solo jacket is an iconic part of that. It's a hazy blue color made from cotton, with lots of pockets and a stiff collar. Ford is seen wearing it at many points throughout Empire Strikes Back, as well as in a lot of promo photos that were released in conjunction with the 1980 film.

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$1.3 Million dollars is a lot of money to pay for a jacket, but it's an iconic jacket from arguably the most epic and recognizable franchise ever, so the price point makes sense.

A lightsaber from Revenge of the Sith will also be at the auction, along with lots of rare film memorabilia, including costumes, original scripts, and props from various films. It will be hosted by Prop Store which gathers collectors items from all kinds of fandoms and franchises, and auctions them off. This particular auction will take place in London on September 20.

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