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Star Wars Squadrons Supports Throttle Controls On PS4, Xbox One

Thanks to a day-one patch, you'll be able to use your HOTAS controls on the console versions of Star Wars Squadrons.


Star Wars Squadrons puts you behind the yoke of Rebel and Imperial starfighters, complete with joystick and throttle support. That goes for all platforms now, as creative director Ian Frazier has announced that a day-one patch will enable joystick support on PS4 and Xbox One.

Frazier announced on Twitter that the HOTAS (throttle and joystick) support that was previously announced for PC will come to consoles, as well. In a follow-up, he thanked a number of specific EA Motive employees for "going above and beyond with a bunch of extra hours and problem-solving" to enable the feature. You can check out our flight stick roundup if you're looking to get one ahead of launch.

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Star Wars Squadrons is a flight sim version of the dogfighting experience from a galaxy far, far away. Its singular focus on dogfighting is part of why it's priced to move at $40. The throttle controls are just one way the game is aiming for immersion, as it will also have VR support on PC and PS4.

This follows just after the news that Squadrons has gone gold ahead of its October 2 release. That means the discs have gone into production, which may be why the HOTAS support is coming via a patch. For more details, check out our Star Wars Squadrons preorder guide.

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