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Starfield Designer Is Loving The Love From God Of War Creator

Emil Pagliarulo says it's "just mind-boggling" that David Jaffe is loving Starfield so much.


Starfield design director and writer Emil Pagliarulo has spoken out in response to the showering of praise put upon the game by God of War series co-creator David Scott Jaffe.

Pagliarulo said on Twitter/X that Jaffe's comments about Starfield have been "mind-boggling" to read, in particular because of Jaffe's background in the video game industry. "Having fans enjoy your work is, obviously, incredible. Having fellow devs--especially ones you know and respect--having fun with your game is a whole other level of awesome," Pagliarulo said.

Jaffe has said Starfield is his favorite single-player game of all time and his social media and YouTube posts have been largely dedicated to the game since it launched. Jaffe also said the game is one of the best-written video games ever.

Jaffe was the game director, lead designer, and creative director at Santa Monica Studios from 1993-2007, where he co-created the God of War and Twisted Metal franchises. In 2007, he founded Eat Sleep Play, which released 2012's Twisted Metal and 2017's Drawn to Death before closing down that year.

Jaffe later opened a new studio, Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency, but the company laid off most of its development staff in 2018 after a game was canceled.

Starfield is putting up big numbers, reaching 1 million concurrent players on launch day and 6 million players as of September 7.

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