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Starfield Doesn't Have Ground Vehicles, But Todd Howard Recommends Getting A Jetpack

The journey of a trillion miles begins with a single jetpack.


Starfield is now out, and as players are discovering, each new planet they visit allows them to take many small steps for mankind and an occasional giant leap if the gravity is just low enough. So where are the vehicles in Starfield? While there aren't any plans yet to add any vehicles to Starfield, game director Todd Howard does have some advice for players looking to explore the cosmos more quickly: invest in a jetpack.

"Once you do vehicles it does change the gameplay," Howard said to Bloomberg Technology. "Once you land in your ship [and] that you're on foot, it lets us really, for the players, make it an experience where we know how fast they're seeing things. In one sense, you do have a vehicle, you obviously have your spaceship so you can go around space, but then on the surface, you do have a jetpack that you can upgrade. Planets have different levels of gravity, which makes that unique for many planets."

Jetpacks--or boost packs as they're called--can be unlocked early in Starfield. You'll need to spend a skill point in the Tech tree to get your first boost pack, but it's not the most impressive piece of gear when you first unlock it. You'll typically get up to two puffs of upward momentum from the starter boost packs, which is barely enough to dunk a basketball, let alone achieve low orbit on a lonely planet.

Once you start completing challenges, equipping jetpacks with higher specs, and leveling up this skill, this equipment becomes much better and helpful when you need to dash to a new point of interest on your map.

After an early access launch this month, it's all systems go for Starfield now that it has rolled out worldwide. Starfield has surpassed 1 million concurrent players on all platforms according to Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer, and players are discovering just how deep Bethesda Game Studios' galaxy really is. If you're just getting started, you can check out GameSpot's Starfield guides hub for features on how to print infinite money, Starfield console commands for cheats, and how to level up by joining the 62-mile-high club.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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