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Steep's Free Alaska DLC Coming Next Week, Watch Teaser Now

Clap for Alaska.


[UPDATE] The English video appears to have been pulled, but an alternate language version is available. We'll add the English version back if it's made available again.

The originals story is below.

As promised, Ubisoft's extreme sports game Steep is adding a new region, Alaska, soon as free DLC.

Ubisoft announced today that the expansion will arrive on February 10 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The publisher also released the first teaser trailer for the expansion, showing off some of the snowy areas that players can snowboard and ski through--check it out below (via DualShockers).

Steep launched in December and is coming to the Nintendo Switch. The Alaska region adds to the game's existing playable spaces in the Alps.

GameSpot's Steep review scored it a 7/10.

"Steep is a game that's never really sure what it is, and its vagueness and lack of meaningful rewards causes it to suffer in any comparisons to the likes of SSX," reviewer Leif Johnson said. "But there's a quiet thrill to exploring the Matterhorn and Mont Blanc, and snowed-in Alpine villages. It's a strangely attractive approach for all its qualifications, and there's a constant sense that Ubisoft is channeling George Mallory's famous response when asked why he wanted to scramble up Mount Everest: "Because it's there."

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