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Stormgate Sure Looks Like StarCraft Meets Warcraft In First Gameplay Reveal

It's not sci-fi or fantasy, it's science fantasy.


The first gameplay footage for Stormgate has been officially revealed at the PC Gaming Showcase by developer Frost Giant Studio. Led by former Blizzard developers Tim Morten and Tim Campbell--who have credits in StarCraft 2 and Warcraft 3--Frost Giant's free-to-play strategy game is a spiritual successor to both StarCraft and Warcraft, as it mixes sci-fi base-building with demonic invaders that you'll have to defend humanity from.

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This science-fantasy game is built in Unreal Engine 5 and Frost Giant is aiming to create a more inviting RTS. To that end, Stormgate has several tools that help streamline the gameplay for newcomers as they become more familiar with the nuances of this strategy game.

"We are building Stormgate for the real-time strategy community--past, present, and future," said CEO Tim Morten when Stormgate was first revealed. "Our vision is to create a social experience that breaks down the barriers that have kept people away, to welcome back players who have been waiting for the next great RTS, and to prove that the RTS genre can thrive once again."

Frost Giant says that the full game will ship with asymmetric factions, an evolving campaign that's playable in both solo and cooperative modes, a variety of competitive game modes, and a custom games editor that can be used to create maps, mods, and more. Stormgate will launch for PC via Steam in 2024.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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