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TGS: Show Floor, Halo 3, and Booth Babes

Yesterday I:- Slept for 3 hours- Spent 3 hours on the subway- Tried to steal 50 copies of Halo 3 from Bungie (I was going to give them to you guys!)- Had a phenomenal dinner on the 47th floor of a skyscraper with an incredible view of Tokyo- Interviewed the president of Clap Hanz about the history...


Yesterday I:

- Slept for 3 hours
- Spent 3 hours on the subway
- Tried to steal 50 copies of Halo 3 from Bungie (I was going to give them to you guys!)
- Had a phenomenal dinner on the 47th floor of a skyscraper with an incredible view of Tokyo
- Interviewed the president of Clap Hanz about the history of Hot Shots Golf
- Got paid to video booth babes for a video blog
- Saw Sumo highlights on a Japanese newscast
- Wrote some played some games and wrote some previews

Yeah, it was a good day. Check out my latest video for some of the highlights.

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