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The Division 2 "Polarity Switch" Event Mixes Up The Gunplay

The latest global event for The Division 2 grants weapon modifiers that will have a big impact on both you and hostiles.


The Division 2 is well into its new season of content following the launch of the Warlords of New York expansion, and now its first global event has gone live. It's called Polarity Switch, and it adds some modifiers that will make your gunplay feel pretty different for a while.

According to a tweet from Ubisoft, Polarity Shift adds damage modifiers to both yours and hostiles' weapons. That will make you both tougher, and in the process earn you some rewards for playing with the modifiers on.

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Polarity Shift follows a recent patch that made a number of adjustments across the board. Those include reworked health and armor values for enemies and allies, damage reduction for enemies and NPCs, reduced health and armor for elites, and more health and armor for heroic and legendary enemies. It also adjusts how progress works for seasonal manhunts in groups, and increases drop rates of certain items.

The Warlords of of New York expansion adds a new area of Manhattan to explore, after the main campaign of the second game took players to Washington DC. It also raised the cap to 40, and made some major quality-of-life and gear changes for all players. It's available for $30. The Division 2 also recently came to Stadia.

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