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The Division 2 Update 12.3 Now Live, Introduces Seasonal Reruns

The new update lets you replay some Division 2 content you may have missed, starting with Season 1's Shadow Tide.


Ubisoft has issued a new update for The Division 2 which begins rerunning content from previous seasons that you may have missed. The 12.3 patch is now live and introduces Season 5 which is actually a rerun of Season 1's Shadow Tide.

The maintenance period ended this morning, March 9, and fixes some PC crash issues as well. But the main feature of the patch notes is the start of seasonal re-runs, which Ubisoft announced last week. This was announced alongside the development of new content including an entirely new mode, so the seasonal reruns appear to be giving the community something to do in the meantime.

"While we're hard at work on the next content update, we will re-run previous seasons released during Year 2," the company stated. "In other words, the next season (Season 5) will be a re-run of Season 1, giving you the chance to collect rewards and collectibles that you might have missed out on." It also noted this means Leagues and Global Events will reset.

Shadow Tide consisted of a Jupiter Manhunt, Urban Jungle apparel event, and a handful of leagues and global events. It also introduced the rewards track. The update is 3.6 GB on PC, 4.6 GB on Xbox, and 3.8 GB on PlayStation.

The Division 2 Patch 12.3 Notes:

  • Beginning of seasonal re-runs, starting with Season 5 (Season 1: Shadow Tide).
  • Fixes to crash to desktop issues.

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