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The Shield creator signs on for Max Payne

The creator of The Shield TV show will work on the big-screen adaptation of Max Payne.


According to Reuters, Shawn Ryan--the creator of the FX TV show The Shield--has entered into an agreement that will allow him to adapt Max Payne into a feature film. "Max Payne is an incredible character with a rabid fan base," Ryan said. "As a writer and a gamer, I was ecstatic when [Dimension chief] Bob Weinstein offered me the opportunity to pen this potential franchise."

In Max Payne, players assume the role of an undercover DEA agent who has been framed for the brutal murder of his wife and child. Max Payne features a "bullet time" gameplay mechanic that allows players to slow the game down in order to take precise shots at the enemies onscreen. For more information, take a look at our full reviews of the PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions of the game.

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