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The Surge Dev's Action-RPG Atlas Fallen Gets May Release Date

The "super-powered" action-RPG Atlas Fallen now has a release date, and it comes out May 16.


Atlas Fallen, an action-RPG from Focus Entertainment (formerly known as Focus Home) and Deck13, is coming out on May 16. Based on marketing materials, Atlas Fallen seems to take cues from hack-and-slash games like Devil May Cry and God of War, and features some impressive beasts to hunt.

While we don't know a ton about Atlas Fallen right now, we do know it takes place in a desert environment where humans have to struggle against machines from the past, who were buried in sand as the result of some sort of storm event. It also seems that fallen gods are the main antagonists of the game. Shape-shifting weapons (perhaps similar to Bloodborne's trick weapons) and co-op play are also part of the package.

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Now Playing: Atlas Fallen - World Premiere Reveal Trailer | Gamescom Opening Night Live 2022

If you preorder Atlas Fallen, you'll receive the Ruin Rising Pack, which will give you new armor and gauntlet skins, unique essence stones and an idol. If you're interested in learning more about this upcoming action RPG, check out the above trailer from Gamescom 2022. The game's developer, Deck13, is best-known for The Surge series, as well as the early "soulslike" Lords of the Fallen. However, Dek13 has confirmed that Atlas Fallen is not a soulslike. Atlas Fallen will release on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on May 16.

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