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Thief reboot PC system requirements revealed

Eidos Montreal has revealed the PC system requirements for the upcoming Thief reboot.

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A post to Eidos Montreal's website reveals that it has "finished tinkering and optimizing" every aspect of the Thief reboot, allowing it to announce the PC minimum and recommended system requirements.

Minimum System Requirements

OS:Windows Vista with platform update

CPU: High-performance dual core CPU or quad core CPU


Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 4800 series / Nvidia GTS 250

DirectX: DirectX 10


Recommended Specs

OS: Windows 7 or 8

CPU: AMD FX 8000 series or better / Intel i7 Quad Core CPU

RAM: 4+ GB

Graphics Card:AMD Radeon HD / R9 series or better / Nvidia GTX 660 series or better

DirectX: DirectX 11


The PC version of the game was ported to the PC by Nixxes, which previously worked on the PC versions Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Tomb Raider.

The game's art technical director Jean-Normand Bucci previously said that the Thief reboot will look better on the PC than on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4. He explained that while Thief for the new systems from Microsoft and Sony will deliver "much more" than what console gamers have come to expect, the PC version will go even further.

Thief launches February 25, 2014, for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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