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THQ announces Altered Beast, The Revenge of Shinobi, and Space Channel 5 GBA

Three of Sega's most popular franchises are coming to the Game Boy Advance courtesy of THQ.


It was announced today that THQ will be publishing Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms, The Revenge of Shinobi, and Space Channel 5 for the Game Boy Advance. Altered Beast and The Revenge of Shinobi will be released at the end of the year, while Space Channel 5 is currently slated to ship in early 2003.

"Altered Beast and Shinobi are time-honored Sega classics," said Charles Bellfield, vice president of strategic planning and corporate affairs for Sega of America. "Our strategic alliance with THQ allows us to bring these hit franchises to the Game Boy Advance platform and an even wider universe of gamers."

We'll have more on all three games from E3 next week.

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