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THQ layoffs included 170 - Report

IGDA source puts number on publisher's recent restructuring losses, roughly 10 percent of workforce.


THQ's move away from children's games has come at the cost of more than 170 jobs, according to a person reportedly familiar with the matter.

THQ has certainly seen better days.
THQ has certainly seen better days.

A tweet from Kevin Dent, head of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Mobile Special Interest Group, indicates that THQ let more than 170 employees go in its most recent layoffs, including the company's vice president of technology.

"This is probably going to break in the morning, I have sat on it for a week or so. The culling at THQ was 170+ souls including [THQ vice president of technology Mark DeLoura]," Dent wrote.

Writing on Twitter, DeLoura cheekily addressed the issue, saying, "I'm skipping DICE this year… a beach and a margarita are calling my name :)."

As of March 31, 2011, THQ employed about 1,750 people. In April, THQ shed 30 staffers from its Kaos and Volition studios (before closing Kaos, and Digital Warrington, altogether), with another round of 30 let go in December from the publisher's uDraw team. Most recently, layoffs hit the publisher's administration and publishing units, as well as the company's Australian outfit.

Last week, THQ announced a new, "streamlined" business direction that saw the publisher exit the children's game publishing business. The company said it will now focus directly on its core properties, franchises like Saints Row, Warhammer, Darksiders, Company of Heroes, UFC, and inSane.

Yesterday, global stock market NASDAQ issued THQ a delisting notice, stating that if the company's per-share value does not hit at least $1 for 10 consecutive days before July 23, 2012, it will be subject to removal from the market.

A THQ representative declined to comment on the 170 figure, but noted that the company has an earnings report tomorrow and said more details would be given in context at that time.

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