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Titanfall PC to get 4K, SLI, and TXAA support

High-resolution mechs and all the frames-per-second coming to Respawn's acclaimed shooter.

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Respawn's mech-based shooter Titanfall will soon be playable in 4K on PC according to a recent blog post from GPU-maker Nvidia. The game currently crashes to the desktop with a "Resolution Unsupported?" message when attempting to run it at 4K's 3840x2160 pixel resolution.

Helping to push those extra pixels is upcoming SLI support. As GameSpot found out in its review of the GTX 780 Ti, a SLI setup is all but mandatory for 60fps gameplay at 4K.

In addition to 4K and SLI, Titanfall is also set to support a pair of Nvidia's GameWorks technologies. The first is temporal anti-aliasing (TXAA), which combines multi-sample anti-aliasing, post processing, and NVIDIA-designed filters for a smoother image. The second is Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion+ (HBAO+), which creates more lifelike shadows.

No date was given for when the updates will arrive. For more on Titanfall, check out GameSpot's review.

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