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Tokyo Games Show 2020 Schedule: Xbox Showcase Kicks Things Off

The event will feature SEGA, Capcom, and more over four days of live streaming content according to the officially released show schedule.


The Tokyo Games Show 2020 begins on September 24, and much like other games industry events such as Gamescom, the event will take place entirely online through video channels due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The official schedule for TGS is now live, and while the first day is light on content, it does feature a 50-minute long Xbox Tokyo Games Show Showcase at 5 AM PT.

Microsoft has struggled to establish a foothold in the Japanese market, something which Xbox head Phil Spencer wants to remedy when the Xbox Series X launches globally in the 2020 holiday season.

You can see the full schedule in the image below. Please note, the times listed are in Japanese Standard Time.

Tokyo Games Show 2020 Schedule
Tokyo Games Show 2020 Schedule

Other highlights on the schedule include a Square Enix showcase after Xbox at 6 AM PT, while September 25 will feature a more packed schedule that includes Sega at 4 AM PT and Capcom at 6 AM PT. Capcom has already confirmed that its event will feature updates on Street Fighter V and more information on Resident Evil Village.

On September 26, the show will feature a Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire episode at 10 PM PT and a live stream for Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy from Koei Tecmo at 5 AM PT.

Sunday will conclude with Koei Tecmo live stream that celebrates 20 years of Dynasty Warriors at 11 PM PT, while Bandai Namco will use its slot to showcase more content for Sword Art Online and Scarlet Nexus at 1 AM PT.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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