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Tomb Raider And Deus Ex's New Owners Have Sequels And Remake Projects Planned

Embracer Group has some big plans for all the studios and IP that it bought from Square Enix.


As part of Embracer Group’s Q4 financial report that was released this week, the organization remarked that it sees "great potential" in its recent acquisition of Eidos Montreal, Square Enix, and Crystal Dynamics. According to Embracer, it's looking at both sequels and remakes based on all of the new IP that it just purchased from Square Enix.

"After the end of the quarter, we further strengthened our development capabilities and IP portfolio by entering into an agreement to acquire Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal and Square Enix Montreal, including Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Thief and Legacy of Kain and other IPs," Embracer said. "The announcement got an overwhelming and positive response. We see a great potential, not only in sequels, but also in remakes, remasters, spinoffs as well as transmedia projects across the Group."

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Embracer's portfolio now includes Deus Ex and Tomb Raider, with those franchises having some excellent entries released between them since 2010 and some notable mobile game spin-offs. Tomb Raider already has a new chapter in development, which will be developed in Unreal Engine 5. Legacy of Kain has also been on the wishlist for many fans, with the last game in the series being 2003's Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

Transmedia projects likely refers to film and TV--Tomb Raider already has a Netflix anime series in development--and with Dark Horse Entertainment in its portfolio, Embracer does have a department that can help realize those goals.

Interestingly, Embracer did end the 2021 financial year in the red. For the quarter that ended on March 31, Embracer reported net sales up 117% to $525 million but recorded a loss of $168 million.

Acquisitions of Gearbox, Easybrain, and Asmodee helped push organic growth for the company, but Embracer says that the financial year comparison is tougher due to it not having to have another breakthrough hit, as it did with Valheim previously.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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