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Tron 2.0 beta sign-ups now open

Disney Interactive is now accepting sign-ups to test its upcoming action game based on the cult-classic sci-fi film.


Beginning today, Disney Interactive is accepting sign-ups to help test both the single-player and multiplayer aspects of Tron 2.0. Those interested in signing up can send an e-mail to Testers will be selected randomly from the submissions, and the sign-ups will end August 7.

Tron 2.0 will be an action game based on Disney's cult-classic sci-fi film Tron, which starred actors Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, and David Warner. The new game will pick up after the events of Tron, and it will let players play a part in the bizarre and colorful computer world depicted in that film. Tron 2.0 is scheduled for release next year. For more information, check out our previous coverage .

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