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Two technical notes for our players

An important note for the participants in our Skirmish Command tournament: Please be sure you have opened incoming port 6112 on your router. Some players playing behind University firewalls cannot connect to a game unless all participants have opened that port. I wish to be clarify questions about...

An important note for the participants in our Skirmish Command tournament: Please be sure you have opened incoming port 6112 on your router. Some players playing behind University firewalls cannot connect to a game unless all participants have opened that port.

I wish to be clarify questions about two "strategies" that you may consider using in Skirmish Command. According to the tournament FAQ:

Taking advantage of known exploits in the game is also considered cheating. Exploits in the game could be a variety of things. If GameSpot Admins find that you are cheating, you will be disqualified from the tournament immediately with no recourse for yourself.

As such, you are prohibited from the following actions:

1. If you begin an observation post or a tank trap you must make every reasonable effort to complete it then. If your engineers are killed or chased off you are not obligated to delete the unfinished op or tank trap or to finish it asap, but if you begin one and then move on when not forced, you are cheating.
2. You may not purposely delete your headquarters in order to use the Axis ability "Call for Reinforcements." If you do, you are cheating.

If you believe your opponent has taken advantage of either of these exploits, please email me at If I review the replay and discover that a player has utilized either of these exploits, or any other, he will be disqualified immediately.

However, due to the unusual nature of the tournament format, provided both Admin viewers are present, you are allowed to repair the Admin's destroyed HQ. In the unlikely event that only one Admin can log in, I will inform you in game and in chat, and you may then not repair it.

Please email me at if you have any questions regarding these issues.

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