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Two Worlds II arises Sept. 14

SouthPeak and Reality Pump's oft-delayed fantasy RPG picks up firm date on 360, PS3, PC this fall.


SouthPeak and Reality Pump's Two Worlds II has undergone a significant evolution since it was first announced as an expansion pack to the original in 2007. Initially scheduled for an early 2008 release, the fantasy role-playing game picked up full sequel status, as well as multiple delays. Now, it appears as if the game is at last ready to make its bow, as SouthPeak said today that Two Worlds II will arrive for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on September 14.

Antaloor has been given a fresh coat of paint.
Antaloor has been given a fresh coat of paint.

Having launched the original Two Worlds in the long shadow of Bethesda Softworks' highly acclaimed Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Reality Pump has made substantial updates to its fantasy RPG universe. Most notably, the developer has built an entirely new game engine designed to enhance atmospheric gameplay and visual fidelity. The new engine includes support for motion-capture animation and dynamic lighting.

As for the game itself, Two Worlds II picks back up with the original's hero, after having languished in prison for a number of years. Gamers find themselves first confronting the nefarious Gandahar (the villain from the original), before setting out on a new quest to save the world.

Two Worlds II also includes a new multiplayer component, where gamers can team up to undertake 12 cooperative, story-driven quests. The game also includes a cooperative city-builder mode. In turn, that city will churn out high-quality items that can then be put to use.

For more information, check out GameSpot's most recent look at Two Worlds II.

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