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Uncharted 3 Is Free Right Now on PSN [UPDATE: NOT ANYMORE]

[UPDATE] The deal is dead.

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[UPDATE] It appears this was a goof. The deal is now dead.

The original story is below.

Naughty Dog's 2011 PlayStation 3 action game Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is now available as a free download on the PlayStation Network for all users in the United States.

The download includes not only the game's single-player campaign, but also the multiplayer mode, which became available as a free-to-play standalone game last year. You can queue up your download right now through the PlayStation Network online marketplace.

It's not clear if this markdown is intentional or some kind of mistake.

Naughty Dog is currently working on a new Uncharted game for the PlayStation 4, which we might get to see next week at E3 2014. The Last of Us heads Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley recently stepped in lead the team making the game.

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