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Unreal Tournament 2003 coming this summer

Infogrames officially announces the release dates for its upcoming Unreal action games.


Infogrames has announced that Unreal Tournament 2003, the follow-up to its popular 1999 multiplayer shooter Unreal Tournament, will be released this summer, followed by its upcoming single-player action game sequel Unreal II this holiday season.

Unreal Tournament 2003 will use Epic's next-generation Unreal technology, and it will include more than 30 arenas and more than 50 detailed characters. The game will include a huge arsenal of weapons, as well as a number of improvements on its predecessor, such as better artificial intelligence, new special effects, and new game types. Unreal Tournament 2003 is in development at Digital Extremes. For more information, take a look at our interview with the developers of the game.

Unreal II will also use Epic's Unreal technology, and it will feature 10 unique worlds filled with bizarre alien creatures and hordes of enemy soldiers. Unreal II is in development at Legend Entertainment. For more information, take a look at our in-depth previews of the game.

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