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Updated Unreal Editor Materializes

Epic Games releases Unreal Editor Version 2.0 for Unreal Tournament players everywhere.


Epic Games today announced the online availability of an updated version of the Unreal Editor for Unreal Tournament at Gamers can download Epic's Unreal Editor 2.0, which enables them to create their own mods and levels for the PC action games Unreal and Unreal Tournament.

Unreal Editor 2.0 is an enhanced version of the editor that shipped in the boxed versions of Unreal and Unreal Tournament. The new 2.0 version offers a new, easier-to-use interface, more stability, better vertex manipulation and item selection/grouping, three-point clipping, and an improved 2D shaper. Epic will continue to develop its editor, which will serve as the basis for the company's next generation of products. Version 2.0 will be integrated into the next Unreal Tournament patch.

Epic Games has supported the Unreal Tournament fan base through the release of its game-editing tools and its collaborative work with outside game creators.

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