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Video: Without Further Ado

The E3 preshow glut is behind us, and I'll admit I'm relieved. We came into this week with a specific plan, and for the most part we've executed on it as we intended to. Hopefully you're pleased with the result thus far, but remember, the show hasn't even begun. Want to know what's going to be our...


The E3 preshow glut is behind us, and I'll admit I'm relieved. We came into this week with a specific plan, and for the most part we've executed on it as we intended to. Hopefully you're pleased with the result thus far, but remember, the show hasn't even begun. Want to know what's going to be our first order of business on Wednesday morning? Watch this:

And check out our new Backstage Pass to E3 2006. Scary! We're in the eye of the storm right now. We're preparing our stage for our continuous E3 Live broadcast, but for the most part, people seem to be taking a brief moment to collect themselves before the frantic excitement begins again. Along those lines, I just wanted to take a moment to thank all my colleagues here, who organized themselves into a tight-knit team to make this coverage happen. We have a lot of different personalities on staff (I think that's one of our greatest strengths), so to have everyone pulling together toward a common goal feels really satisfying. But I think everyone here knows that there's still a whole lot left to be done this week before we can consider our coverage of E3 2006 a succeess.

What will happen tomorrow and the next day? We'll find out soon enough. I'm sure there are still some major surprises waiting on the show floor out there. We all have our marching orders, though, and a clear plan of action to sweep across E3 2006 and cover everything noteworthy that we find. Meanwhile, our continuous live broadcast will be bringing you possibly the best of what we have to offer this week.

I'm confident. But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. Except when I type. That'd slow me down.

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