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Watch 16 Minutes of Xbox One Quantum Break Gameplay

Check out an in-depth look at the "time-amplified" gameplay for Remedy's 2015 Xbox One game.

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Microsoft and Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment today released a 16-minute gameplay trailer for Quantum Break, the upcoming Xbox One exclusive that will launch in 2015.

The video, which is the full version of what we saw at Gamescom in August, is narrated by creative director Sam Lake. It offers a look at Quantum Break's "time-amplified" gameplay, and we're reminded that everything in the video is actual gameplay footage that was captured on Xbox One.

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The sequence on display in the video above is from the middle of the game, when main character Jack is trying to meet up with the game's other hero, Beth Wilder, but the nefarious Monarch Corporation is getting in the way.

As for the time-amplified gameplay, what this means for Quantum Break is that, during shooting and combat sequences, Jack can zip through time to get a leg-up on his enemies. Unfortunately for Jack, certain Monarch soldiers can also manipulate time, making for some formidably fierce foes.

Quantum Break is not just a video game, as it's also going to be paired with a live-action show. The game tells the story of the heroes while the show clues us in on the villains. The Quantum Break show was unaffected by Xbox Entertainment Studios' recent closure.

For more on Quantum Break, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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