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Watch Mid-Season Teaser for The Walking Dead Season Six

"Your property now belongs to Negan."


The latest season of The Walking Dead has delivered some of the show's biggest shocks to date, and its return next month is hotly anticipated. A mid-season teaser has now been released, giving fans a glimpse of what to expect. Check it out below:

In November it was announced that Negan, the notorious club-wielding villain from the Walking Dead comic books, had been cast and would appear towards the end of the current sixth season. Watchmen star Jeffrey Dean Morgan will take on the role, and is expected to become a series regular in season seven. Although Morgan is not seen in the promo, his character is mentioned by name.

In a recent interview with the Telegraph, star Andrew Lincoln spoke about the willingness of the show's writers to kill off long-running, popular characters, and how it affects the other cast members. "When we start filming a season, I don't want to know if anyone's died," he said. "It's a sort of courtesy to the rest of your cast. Even though I'm an actor, I'm a very bad liar. Being sat with people at lunch, and going 'yeah, yeah', and knowing that they were on their way out... I don't think it'd be very helpful to me, or to anyone else.

"We have the same reaction as the audience does when someone dies. We feel robbed."

The Walking Dead season six returns to AMC on February 14, 2016.

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