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Watch Quake Champion's First Gameplay Trailer; Beta Coming in 2017

Quake Champions looks like it's fast and full of rocket jumps in its debut gameplay trailer.


Quake Champions was revealed at E3 with a CG trailer that showed off some of the game's characters but didn't give us a very good idea of what to expect when playing it. Now, Bethesda has revealed the first gameplay trailer as part of QuakeCon's opening ceremony, and it looks fast and frenetic.

The trailer starts by showing off some of the game's maps before jumping headfirst into the action. Shotguns, assault rifles, lightning guns, and rocket launchers fire at high-speeds--and yes, there are rocket jumps. Player movement is quick, and the gameplay seems to hearken back to the old days of Quake. Check it out for yourself in the video above.

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Now Playing: Quake Champions – Debut Gameplay Trailer

Bethesda announced that a Quake Champions beta is set to arrive in 2017 with the full game arriving later that year. The first public gameplay demo takes place this Saturday at QuakeCon.

Quake Champions is only coming to PC for its initial launch. However, console versions are not out of the question. It runs at 120Hz with unlocked framerates, and developer id Software is aiming to get it working on a wide range of computer specs.

"We want to make sure that we have as many people as we possibly can," id Software boss Tim Willits told GameSpot. "You'll be able to turn down your specs and get a decent game at lower-end. But we want to shine on good systems."

For a history lesson on the series, be sure to check out GameSpot's feature, The History of Quake. You can see more of GameSpot's Quake Champions coverage through the links below.

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