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Watch Star Citizen's FPS Gameplay Reveal

Star Citizen shows first FPS gameplay at PAX Australia, and it looks pretty impressive.

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Star Citizen, the upcoming PC space sim from Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, has revealed the first gameplay footage of its first-person shooter module at PAX Australia.

The nine-minute presentation shows us a team boarding and attacking a space station while another team defends it. As the development team discussed in a recent Reddit AMA, we also get to see a player turn off the gravity generator on a station, allowing all players to float around and shoot in zero gravity.

Developer Cloud Imperium Games also introduced the team that's working on the FPS module, Illfonic Games, which talks more their history and plans for Star Citizens in the video below.

Star Citizen recently reached $59 million in its continually growing crowdfunding campaign, and is quickly approaching the $60 million mark.

For more on Star Citizen and Roberts himself, check out part one and part two of GameSpot's interview with the legendary designer.

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