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What Games Are You Playing This Weekend?

Allow me to steal a popular topic from GGD. It was an eventful week at GameSpot as we worked to right all the wrongs with the world but settled for making our new site run better and posting a bunch of movies, reviews, and stuff. If you've been keeping track, you've likely noticed some of the...

Allow me to steal a popular topic from GGD. It was an eventful week at GameSpot as we worked to right all the wrongs with the world but settled for making our new site run better and posting a bunch of movies, reviews, and stuff. If you've been keeping track, you've likely noticed some of the improvements by now, like the new Daily Updates page and faster speeds. Hope you enjoy all the latest we've got for you and get to play some good games over the weekend. Me, I'll be spending quality time with Fire Emblem for GameCube while looking forward to F.E.A.R. and Stubbs. Till next time!

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