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When Tony Met Aaron

It's not every day that you get to meet someone famous, but sometimes fate smiles upon you and you get the opportunity to meet someone who is known to people all over the globe. Thursday, August 23rd was one of those rare days when fate intervened and allowed a skateboarder named Tony Hawk to meet...


It's not every day that you get to meet someone famous, but sometimes fate smiles upon you and you get the opportunity to meet someone who is known to people all over the globe. Thursday, August 23rd was one of those rare days when fate intervened and allowed a skateboarder named Tony Hawk to meet me, Aaron Thomas, someone whose reviews are so popular they've been stolen by other websites and translated into Portuguese.

It was immediately evident just how thrilled Tony was to finally get to meet me. Obviously unable to contain his excitement he was already sitting at a table eagerly anticipating my arrival. Almost as soon as I sat down Tony began to pepper me with questions, inquiring as to how I was doing. Now I get this question from nearly everyone I meet on the street, but answering the same questions over and over again is just part of working for a big-time organization like GameSpot. "Fine, thanks." I replied, taking note of a skateboard lying next to him. "Is that yours?" I asked, nodding towards the well-used board.

It turns out that it was his skateboard and he would be skating a brief exhibition later in the day. Hey, not everyone is so good they can compete in the X-Games, but at least he's enjoyed a modest amount of success. While traveling to a video game convention to give a skateboarding demonstration isn't the most glamorous way to make a living, you've certainly got to admire someone so dedicated to their passion, regardless of how meager a living it provides them.

I had an appointment immediately following our meeting, but I wanted Tony to feel like a friend and not an obligation. I don't know much about skateboarding, but I asked him a few questions about his little hobby, nodding like I understood what he was talking about when he mentioned something about a "900" or whatever. Even though we had already spent 15 minutes together, Tony was still bursting with questions, and at one point interrupted me mid-sentence and asked me to repeat mysel--another question I get all the time. Apparently what I say is sometimes so profound that people simply must hear me say it again.

Finally I had to leave so I stood up, shook his hand and told him how nice it was to meet him. With a sparkle in his eye he said the same and I turned to pack my bags. As I got ready to walk out the door I looked over and saw Tony standing alone against the wall with a look I've seen many times befor--he wanted a picture together but was undoubtedly too nervous to ask. I grabbed my camera, asked another fan of mine if he wanted to get in the shot, and happily obliged Mr. Hawk with a picture.

Sometimes meeting your idols is everything you dreamed it be.

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