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Wii's VC gets Romanced

Super NES strategy game Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire now available for download on the Wii's Virtual Console for 800 Wii points ($8).


The Monday blues are alleviated slightly for Wii owners, because the beginning of the traditional work week also means a new crop of classic games for download on the Wii's Virtual Console. Unfortunately for those used to multiple games offered on Monday, today may be a little bluer than previous VC game launch days since only one new title is available.

However, gamers looking for a strategy game from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System days will be pleased to know there will be nothing else new distracting them from this week's offering, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire (previously released in Japan under the name San Goku Shi IV). The Koei-published simulation is now available for 800 Wii points ($8).

In the game, players are transported to ancient China where they attempt to rule all of the country currently under the power of the Wei, Wu, and Shu kingdoms. By commanding officers that specialize in certain skills, gamers will try to take over all 43 cities in the country through force and diplomacy.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire is rated E for Everyone.

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