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Wild Hearts PC Patch On The Way, Performance Issues Being Investigated

Wild Hearts is getting a patch ahead of its official launch.


Developer Omega Force has confirmed that it's currently working on a pre-launch patch for its role-playing Wild Hearts.

A recent Steam blog post from the team notes that it's working on improving the game's performance ahead of the official launch on February 16 and that the patch will address optimizing stability for mid to high-end CPU's.

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"Omega Force are working continuously to improve performance and optimise the game for a wide variety of hardware specs across future updates," the post reads. "We have a patch coming next week that addresses a CPU bottleneck problem the team discovered; this should improve performance across mid-high end CPU’s. The team are also actively working on DLSS and FSR support which will arrive in a future patch."

The post also features the PC system requirements for players, including the minimum and recommended. Additionally, the developer asks players to report any significant performance problems they may experience despite running the recommended PC specs, after launch.

Wild Hearts is set to release on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, and is described as a Monster Hunter-esque RPG. Players who have access to EA Play or Game Pass Ultimate are now able to play the game's opening hour thanks to an early access trial.

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