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WinBack Delayed

The game some are hoping will be the next Golden Eye is being delayed until mid January.


WinBack, the game some are hoping will be the next GoldenEye, is being delayed until mid January. With the announcement, however, came new screens and info on the Koei project. The game will consist of four huge stages: the control center, factory area, main office, and outside grounds. Within the massive areas are buildings and structures that have over 80 rooms to explore.

A Koei representative had this to say about the project. "Enemy AI is one of the major goals of this project. Unlike enemies in GoldenEye and Turok, which rush blindly into certain death, the enemies in WinBack will act/react in extremely human-like patterns."

WinBack is said to have multiple intelligence levels for enemy characters. Some of the weapons players can use are a hand gun, shot gun, submachine gun, and explosive charges.

Keep checking back for more info.

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